Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Study Skills

Note to all students

The History Department has devised a Study Skills PowerPoint which is available under First Year Handouts.

We wish all students the very best of luck in their Christmas Exams!  

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Caption Competition Winner

Well done to all who entered the "Caption Competition".
The winner is Caoimhe Barker from 1D ! Congratulations Caoimhe !

Monday, 22 September 2014

Caption Competition

To launch our new History Blog we would like you enter our 'Caption Competition'. To enter simply comment on this post with a funny caption. You can enter as many times as you like. The winner will receive a history hamper. Don't forget to comment with your name or initials and class. The illustration shows Bill Norton the bathing policeman measuring distance between knee and bathing suit on women, Washington D.C. Women in the 1920's were issued an order that bathing suits at the Washington bathing beach must not be over six inches above the knee.

Monday, 1 September 2014


Welcome to Loreto Balbriggan’s history blog! This blog is run by the History Department in Loreto Balbriggan. It is intended to bring History to life for the students in the school and to aid them in their study of history. Here you will find handouts, links to useful websites as well as information on history events in the school. Stay tuned for updates as we begin our virtual exploration of history through this blog.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions or contribute to the blog!

History Department contact email: loretobalbriggan.history@gmail.com